

We can begin by being honest about abortion and what it does. It ends a life and therefore destroys an unseen future for both mother and child. We cannot sit back and be passive about the destruction of God’s creation.

Next, we can love these women through this uncertain time and show them they are strong enough to be successful and have their baby.

Below you will find a snapshot of the program.

Step 1

This program is meant to give abortion vulnerable girls and young women a place to go that will support them carrying their child to term. She will begin her residence during her pregnancy, during which she will learn how to care for her child and herself. Finishing high school, trade school or college will be expected to become hire-able.

Step 2

After her baby is born she will continue with her education along with learning basic life skills. During each stage she will be in counseling and learn how to focus on healthy decision making that will allow her to be proactive and not reactive.

Step 3

The final part of the program is putting everything she has learned into practice.  In an environment that gives her privacy and responsibility but still allows for support and encouragement she can become independent.