We are here to help women and girls who are experiencing an unplanned pregnancy. To show them that they don’t have to choose between their child and their success.

women and girls

How do we help

By being a resource that allows her to be cared for and taught life and parenting skills in a loving environment. Giving her the support she needs to parent and continue on a path that will allow her to see her desired goals come to pass.

continue on a path

Why we should help

Because if we can change the narrative and outcome of unplanned pregnancies to a positive life-centered one we can foster positive self-control and growth as parents and adults.

unplaned pregnancies

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There are going to be a lot of times in life where she may find herself at a crossroads. A time when she is faced with something that she never expected. An unplanned pregnancy fits that definition perfectly. She may be scared and unsure, and that is ok. Here is the truth, she doesn’t have to stay scared and unsure, and she doesn’t need to make decisions out of fear. What seems, now, to be a roadblock can be a doorway into just the life she was meant to live.

Blessings come when we least expect them and often in ways we never would have imagined. An unplanned pregnancy does not have to mean the end of her future or that she cannot be successful now that she are expecting a child.

scared and unsure

She is much stronger than she may think and she is capable of being both a parent and a successful member of society. They are not mutually exclusive. We are here to give her the support she will need to continue her pregnancy and her journey to independence.

We need your help

The only way we can help these girls is with your help. Please consider donating to allow us to provide the support needed.